8" A#-45 Diamond, Platinum Tall

8" A#-45 Diamond, Platinum Tall


Diamond: Pure Mind, Divine Radiance
The transcendent high frequency of diamond stimulates and opens all of the chakras with intensive light on the crown and etheric chakras, serving as a reminder of one’s spiritual destiny.

“Diamond can assist one in activating the prefrontal lobes of the brain, the seat of most para-normal abilities and visionary consciousness. In fact, in our times, in which the outer kings and queens have been lost, Diamond is a tool one can use to evoke the inner king and/or queen, those archetypal beings within the self that convey power, knowledge and sovereignty. When spiritual insight is combined with the wisdom of the inner king/queen, the result is clairvoyance (clear-seeing) and a sense of calm certainty about one’s desires and proper course of action.” - Robert Simmons, from The Book of Stones

“Diamond carries a high frequency of energy which stimulates and opens all of the chakras, especially the crown and etheric chakras. Diamond is a carbon-based ally that models the transformation from base element to pure light. As the native element of Carbon is exposed to tremendous pressure and heat, it transforms into this clear, high-frequency material. This model is one that humanity can certainly use in thes times, as we move from being enmeseshed in the physical illusion to embodying Light consciousness.” – Naisha Ahsian, from the Book of Stones

Platinum: Divinity, Divine Feminine
Pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in our yin energy Platinum Bowl which can stimulate the Divine Feminine, relieve stress and depression, and align the intuitive and emotional bodies. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred ceremony and/or celebration.

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