Virtual Sound Journeys


The Subject Tonight is Love

Sound Journeys Streaming
Live from Big Sur

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Ways to prepare:
Create Sacred Space

  • Choose a cozy place where you can comfortably lie down for an hour

  • Burn sage or any other incense to clear your space prior to our start time

  • Use essential oils on your temples, pulse points, heart, and soles of your feet. Lavender for calming or your own personal favorite.  

  • Have an eye cover, blanket, pillow or yoga bolsters nearby for added comfort/support

  • Dim the lights, light a candle 

  • Make a hot water bottle or warming pack for your belly or anywhere your body needs extra support 

  • If you have your own singing bowls have them nearby and activate them to deepen your experience 

  • Hold a crystal in your hand or place one on your heart 

  • Brush your teeth prior and be ready to float right into bed at the end!

  • These are only suggestions - you can also just stop wherever you are and drop into the healing vibrations of the sacred sounds just as you are.

“Thank you so much for the amazing sound journey ... Deva!  It was wonderful and your suggestions for getting the space ready really made it perfect! There are just so many stress-inducing issues at the hospital right now and the energy is just so scared, uncertain, and worried by so many. Having this sound journey is just so restorative and I can't thank you enough!  I can't wait for the time that we can do this again in person,” — Matthew Fritsch, Doctor at the Community Hospital of Monterey 

“Gratitude to you for sharing this special time with us!  It is a much-needed calm in a crazy time!” — Hillary

“Your words were so beautiful. Thank you for grounding us and bringing us back to our natural state of mind.” - Jackie

“My energetic self has been rebooted. blessings. 👏👏👏” - Barbara 

“This was magically calming again and I love this hour right before reading in bed!!” - Galen

“That was a much-needed centering!!  Love to you!” - Vicky

“So relaxing. Thank you so much, Deva!” - Karen

“Thank you, Deva! This was deeply peaceful & centering. Love to you and all beings.” - Donna

“Deep Gratitude!” — Katharina

“Feeling very grounded and calm, thank you from Portland, OR! <3” — Celina

“Your words and sounds were deeply healing to my body and soul. 💕” — Linda 

“... Thank u so much for that beautiful evening. I felt more at peace and calm with my surroundings and felt really healed physically.”

“ Your sound bath saved me last night from feeling isolated, frustrated, & like I wanted to drink to be 100% honest. Instead, I felt connected, calm, happy, grateful, safe, serene, & able to switch frequencies & raise my vibration. You saved my sobriety & that’s a HUGE gift! So thank you, sweetness! Love you! Am grateful for you!!” — Michelle

“Thank you, thank you… Lovely to go away and to come back. Wish that everyone could hear this. Much love.” — Elizabeth

“Thank you for this. this is the most relaxed I've been in weeks.” — Christopher

“So grateful; that was so healing Deva - thank u! I felt so connected to my earth cord and feel that it gave me great strength for weeks to come.” — Lisa

“Beautiful journey. Love filling out 6 ft space with rays of love, compassion, and integrity.” — Natalie

“Thank you so much for this cosmic and earthly connection! we are healthy and whole!” — Sabrina

“Thank you for holding and sharing this space.” — Katie

“Thank you so much. ❤️🙏🏻❤️thank you for the hope”

“Sweet sweet energy here. Peace”
