Crown | Sahasrara Chakra
Element: Sound, Thought
Meaning: Thousandfold or thousand-petaled
Color: White
Crystals and metals:
Lemurian Seed Crystal
White Gold
Musical Note: B
7 Wonders of Sound #7
We are literally composed of Star Stuff and immersed in a sea of stars: as within Us is all around us.
Please enjoy the replay of our Sahasrara Chakra Session above and the
Crown Chakra Sound Journey below!
This journey invites you to bring in your own affirmations
to align and alight all of your chakras.
The bowls are the stars here and there are no vocals on this one.
“When the crown chakra is in balance, we experience a state of universal consciousness, producing a sublime self-awareness
as well as an unprejudiced view of the world. …
Accordingly, when this chakra is opened we have
experiences that transcend the five senses entirely.
It’s not, however until all the other chakras have been opened
that the crown chakra can activate.
When the animated life force leaves our body, it is said to leave
through this chakra; this chakra connects us directly to the universal energy field.”
– Kulreet Chaudhary, MD
Crown | Sahasrara Chakra Explorations
Try a few minutes of intentional cosmic connection daily!
These explorations are purely optional and are here to support your journey if you choose.
Feel into the wisdom of your crown of stars!
Remember, in the words of Rumi,
“Everything in the Universe
Is within you.”How does this make you feel?
What does the highest wisdom of your soul want you to know?
What is your favorite way to expand and connect to the cosmos? Why? Write about it!
If you have singing bowls, play them while focusing on your highest prayer for your life, visualize light or a flower at the center of each chakra, and fully open in a thousandfold at your crown.
Wear White! How does it make you feel?
Surrender to the Mystery!
Continue Sounding by doing at least 3 rounds of Aum a day, and working up to 21 rounds. Keep count by doing three rounds for each chakra.
Ahhhh, Ohhhhh, Mmmmm —
Silence — feel the vibrations ripple through the waters of your being.
Enjoy the specially curated Crown Chakra playlist!
Meditate on the Flower of Life
Draw it
Visualize it
Write about it
Enjoy the Symphony of Science:
Take time to revisit any of the previous chakras that might need more attention! This is an ongoing journey! Stay open! I love you!! xo
Crown Chakra Affirmations
Take a moment and tune into the highest wisdom of your crown. Listen to what feels most resonant and/or create your own crown chakra affirmations.
I honor the Divine within me.
I live in the present moment.
I am pure, beautiful, radiant light.
I am joyful.
I am aware of my inner beauty.
I am open to receiving new energy.
Everything I seek is within me.
All is well in my world.
I love and accept myself unconditionally.
I am made of stardust and connected to universal consciousness
I am connected to all that is.
Repeat Often Silently to Yourself or Out Loud to the World!