Heart | Anahata Chakra

Element: Air

Meaning: Mani = Unstruck

  • Aspects: Center

    • Compassion

    • Love Expansion

    • Nobility 

    • Kindness

Color: Green (🍉 watermelon too!)


  • Rose Quartz    * Peridot

  • Ruby   * Emerald 

  • Rhodochrosite * Andara

  • Morganite * Moldavite

  • Malachite

  • Green Heart Ocean Gold

Musical Note: F and F#

7 Wonders of Sound #4

Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound. 

“Our Heart’s produce the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs … making it the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body.”

– Heart Math Institute

Please enjoy the replay of our Anahata Chakra Session above and the
Heart Chakra Sound Journey below.


Heart | Anahata Chakra Explorations

Try a few minutes of intentional
heart, air devotion a day …

Fox the cat wants to remind you to be nourished by fresh air and sunshine. RELAX and take a cat nap!

These explorations are purely optional and are here to support your journey if you choose. Feel into the wisdom of the wind and into the lightness of your being!

  1. Extend your left arm with palm facing up, take your right hand with palm facing up and wrap it around the underside of your left wrist, find your pulse, feel your blood moving through your body, and then take your left hand to your physical heart. Breathe here. Notice the condition of your heart.

  1. Practice Tonglen. In this practice, we connect with the suffering, our own or that of the world, rather than turn away from it. “It is a method for overcoming our fear of suffering and for dissolving the tightness of our hearts. Primarily it is a method for awakening the compassion that is inherent in all of us.” — Pema Chodron

    1. Take on the suffering of a person, place, or being that we know is hurting or suffering and that we wish to help.

    2. We breathe in with the wish to transform the pain, hurt, or suffering they are experiencing.

    3. We exhale, sending happiness, nourishment, healing, love, or whatever we feel would help to ease the suffering.

    4. Soften the heart.

    5. Grow Compassion.

  2. What is the sound/frequency of love? Hum, tone, buzz, or sing it!

  3. Feel your arms and hands as extensions of your heart

  4. Nourish your Heart with soothing teas of Rose, Lavender, and/or Chamomile.

  5. Journal Prompts: 

    1. My Noble Heart is …

    2. My heart is greatly nourished by …

    3. My heart is softening around … 

    4. My heart is strengthened by … 

    5. My heart guides me to ...

  6. Tone into the chamber of your heart, tap gently or
    massage your heart.

  7. Bring Heart Crystals into your home and life, sleep with them!

  8. Read: “Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance,” HeartMath Institute, www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/energetic-communication/

  9. Continue Sounding by doing at least 3 rounds of Aum a day, if it feels good do more!

    1. Ahhhh, Ohhhhh, Mmmmm —

    2. Silence — feel the vibrations ripple through the waters of your being.

  10. Wear Green!

  11. Enjoy the specially curated Heart Chakra playlist — dance and move with the music. xo


Heart Chakra Affirmations

Take a moment and tune into the highest wisdom and love of your heart. Listen here. What does your heart want you to remember?

  1. Now create a simple affirmation for your Heart Chakra or choose one from the list below.

  2. Repeat it silently and out loud often.

I am loved, loving, and loveable.

I embody love.

I love.

I love myself completely and wholeheartedly.

I am ready and open to receiving love.

I attract love everywhere I go. 

I receive love in abundance from everyone I meet.

I allow myself to feel loved and appreciated. 

I am willing to be happy now.

As I feel happy, I am manifesting more reasons to be happy.

Happiness and love are my true nature.

I am healthy, happy, and radiant.

I am grateful for all the love and affection I have in my life.

Joy is the essence of my being.

Love and joy are my birthright.

Feel these frequencies in your Heart  

Sweet Moon Language

Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them, "Love me."

Of course you do not do this out loud, otherwise
someone would call the cops.

Still, though, think about this, this great pull in us to connect.

Why not become the one who lives with a 
full moon in each eye that is
always saying,

with that sweet moon language,
what every other eye in 
this world is
dying to

— Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinsky