Root | Muladhara Chakra
Element: Earth
Color: Red (sometimes deep brown or black)
The Wonder of Sound #1
Sound moves energy and is the basis of creation. Through our chakras, sound, and vibration we are interconnected to the entire universe!
Enjoy the replay below and the Alchemy Sound Journey dedicated to the Root Chakra.
7 Wonders of Sound - Root Chakra Explorations
Choose the explorations that feel most nourishing as well as one or two that might present a growth edge!
What might feel a little edgy? Stretch! Try it!
Create a simple affirmation for your root chakra and/or work with one from the list.
Listen to the Root Chakra Sound Journey before bed or upon awakening, this can help to rewire your subconscious beliefs.
Explore Earthing/Grounding:
Lay or sit on the Earth for 5 to 20 minutes. Allow yourself to be held.
Do a meditative walk “seeing” through the soles/souls of your feet, and/or walk barefoot on the Earth.
Make an Offering to the Earth/Land/Ancestors that support you.
Work with the sacred geometry of the circle. Notice where you see it/experience it. What does the highest wisdom of the circle want you to know and remember?
Aum yourself home — practice doing at least 3 rounds of Aum a day
Practice Deep, Low Toning — Ahhhhh, Ohhhhh, Mmmmmmm
Sound! let out sounds, what might surprise you? what sounds feel most nourishing?
Journal Qs — choose one or all!
What gives you the greatest sense of belonging? How is this different than fitting in?
Notice where you are safe, versus where you feel safe
What root, foundational structures, would you like to strengthen?
Over the next month?
During our 7 Wonders of Sound Journey?
In your life?
What would this change?
Eat more roots! — Potatoes, Beets, Carrots, etc.
Rub your feet and apply essential oil to your bubbling spring/kidney 1 meridian point.
Go on a scavenger hunt for grounding therapeutic stones, what is awaiting you?
Enjoy the specially curated Roots playlist on Spotify
Root Chakra Affirmations
Repeat as often and as many times as needed
I am safe
I deserve to feel safe
I belong here
I am supported
I am home in my body
I have a right to be here
I am a success story
Joy is my birthright
I have access to all of the resources I need to survive and thrive
I am connected to the Earth
I am grounded, safe, and protected
I am held and nourished by the Earth
Feel these frequencies in your bones!
Explore creating your own Root Chakra Affirmations
Mother Earth
You belong here!
“This place where you are now
God circled on a map for you.
Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move
against the earth and sky,
the Beloved has bowed there -
Our Beloved has bowed there
knowing you were coming.
I could tell you a priceless secret about
your real worth, dear pilgrim,
But any unkindness to yourself,
any confusion about others,
Will keep one from accepting
the grace, the love, the sublime freedom
Divine knowledge always offers you.”
— Hafiz
8” C#-45 Super 7 (Platinum inside) frosted Alchemy Bowl — “Super Seven, also known as Sacred Seven, is a very spiritual stone. It is one of the few stones that retains its energy and clarity and never needs cleansing or energizing. Also, a piece of Super Seven retains the properties of all the stones in the combination of amethyst, smokey quartz, clear quartz, rutile, goethite, lepidocrocite, and cacoxenite, even if the piece does not visibly show all seven minerals. These extraordinary stones are found in an area in the Minas Gerais region in Brazil called Espirito Santos which translates to 'Holy Spirit'.
Super Seven is excellent for enhancing all types of psychic abilities and psychic skills. It is a powerful stone for crystal healing and is excellent for healing the mind, body, and spirit. Super Seven is reportedly fantastic at healing, balancing, and energizing all seven chakras.” — Super Eagle