Full Moon Eclipse

Wherever there is sound, there is geometry.


Enjoy the replay of our session and the Sound Journey dedicated to Alchemy.

The Embodiment of Sound
Full Moon Eclipse Alchemy Explorations

  1. During this week of Samhain and Dia de Los Muertos, October 28 - November 3, Create an altar or say a prayer for your ancestors. Share a story with a friend. The veils are thin this time of year. Listen to the wisdom they whisper to you.

  2. Continue to meditate on and listen to the world within you.

    1. Deepen into this practice of becoming aware of old stories, old operating programs, and/or frequencies within.

    2. Notice all of the layers and how and when they change.

    3. Become familiar with the frequency field held in your nadis.

  3. Visualize and try to get a visceral sensation of all 72,000 Nadis flowing through your body.

    1. What do they feel like?

    2. What do they taste like?

    3. What do they sound like?

    4. What do they look like?

  4. Consider the Act of Alchemy:

    1. The process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained.

    2. A power or process of changing one thing into another; esp., a seemingly miraculous power or process of changing a thing into something better.

  5. Journal Qs —

    1. Alchemy, What is it like to be in a relationship with me?

    2. As you bring your underlying frequencies to mind, ask them what is it like to be in a relationship with you.

    3. In recognizing that we are both and, ask the opposite frequency the same question.

      1. Worry — Trust

      2. Frustration — Flow

      3. Anxiety — Calm, Serenity

      4. Anger — Love, Compassion

    4. ___________, what is it like to be in relationship to me?

      *** Remember, We are only willing to do the inner work with a sense of kindness, compassion, and curiosity.

  6. Rub your feet and apply essential oil to your bubbling spring/kidney 1 meridian point to open your sense of hearing.

  7. Listen to the Alchemy Sound Journey to receive the frequencies and crystalline codes. Use this as a meditation. Notice where your mind drifts. Continue to come back to your intention. Receive and release. Release and receive!

    1. Moldavite - The Star Bridge, linking us to cosmic consciousness

    2. Grandmother/Crone Goddess — Ancestral wisdom, love of the grandmothers

    3. Pink Aura Gold - Calm, Magdalene frequency

    4. Platinum — Divinity

    5. Green Heart Ocean Gold — Loving-kindness and compassion

    6. Diamond — Aligning and energizing all of our energy centers

    7. Citrine — Abundance and Manifestation

    8. Emerald — Spiritual Love

    9. Tanzanite — Creating a coherent field from the heart to the head

    10. White Light Aura Gold — Connection to the Akashic Field, the Great Hall of Records

    11. Abalone — Oceanic Wisdom

    12. Morganite — Universal Love

    13. Palladium — Protection and Guardianship

Alchemy Affirmations

I am an alchemist

I transform limiting beliefs

I see clearly

I trust my highest vision for my life

I release the old to make way for the new

I am an Alchemist, I shine the brightest light!

I am worthy of living my most radiant life!

I am Radiant and Joyful!

I turn my wounds into wisdom.

I alchemize my challenges into golden opportunities to learn and grow.

“Dear wayfarer,
Now indulge me in a sober moment.
Please set down your glass.

I can help you write a letter of resignation
To all your fears and sadness.

Let all movement and sound,
Let all movement and sound

Begin to speak the truth to your heart
And write its music upon your vision and
Soft pink tongue.

Soak all your prejudices in oil-
I would consider it a favor.
Bring and sing to me your darkest thoughts,
For my whole body is blazing emerald wick,
I am a pure flame
Who needs and loves to burn.

We should lean against each other more
In such a strange world as this
That can make you scared
And even believe in that lie called death.

We should support each other more
Give more warmth
In such a demanding world as this.

Let all movement
Gently yield something of God
Upon your chin and vision
And roll down on your prayer mat
That will take root in the holy soil of your surrender.
May I hone your devotion with a kiss?

For all in existence is just spinning like this
Sweet earth
In a divine current.”
— Hafiz

There are 72,000 nadis - channels of sound, of prana - vital life force energy, in the body!

“Organisms are so dynamically coherent at the molecular level that they appear to be crystalline …

There is a dynamic liquid crystalline continuum of connective tissues and extracellular matrix linking directly into the equally liquid crystalline cytoplasm in the interior of every single cell in the human body.

Liquid crystallinity gives organisms their characteristic flexibility.”

-- Biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho