The Embodiment of Sound

Shapeshifting & Solstice Light

“Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?”

— Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge


Enjoy the replay of our session above and the Sound Journey below:

Explorations … what are you devoted to?

  1. Make space for a Solstice Ritual on or around Thursday, December 21 (the precise moment is at 7:27 pm PDT). Honoring the depth of the sacred dark as you welcome the return of the light in a way that feels meaningful for you.
    Sing, play an instrument, light your candle, pause, and give thanks.

  2. As we enter into winter and the New Year, what are the top 5 frequencies you want to embody?

    1. How do you most want to feel?

    2. If these become your dominant frequencies, how would it change your life?

    3. Why?

    4. What excuses would you need to stop making if you were to fully step into your most aligned embodiment of sound?

  3. Practice slowing down, closing your eyes, and shape-shifting your frequency into another form. Feel the embodiment of other frequencies, elements, and beings. What does their highest wisdom want you to know? What does it feel like to dissolve into pure vibration? Become that which you seek.

  4. Pay attention to the space between notes and objects. What lives here?

  5. Working with Spiritual Alchemy and Shapeshifting we have the opportunity to transform our challenges into gold. Welcome, all that comes to your door.

    The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.

meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

— Jellaludin Rumi

Write a Love Letter to Your Various Frequency Patterns.

  • What wants to be addressed?

For example:

Dear Worry,
You’ve been with me a long time. I feel like you are trying to protect me. Is that true? What do you want me to know?
I’ve got some things figured out. I need some space to be able to see my life with new eyes! … Yours truly, Deva

Dear Courage,
I would like to invite you to live with me. To deepen our relationship. You help me to see the world with new awareness. I have so much to learn from you. I will nourish you and make time for you every day. … All my love, Deva

  • Try to write for at least 3 -5 minutes as the initial thoughts might be coming more from the intellectual mind than from the deep knowing of your heart and soul. Get beneath the surface. Try to write after doing one or two of the practices below.


In the deep cacoon of Solstice. Take time to rest and integrate the Embodiment Practices from our previous sessions.

  1. Continue to integrate the sound practices of Humming and/or Auming every day!!! Don’t underestimate the power of sound to move matter and transform your life!

  1. Hum in general or focus your humming into the areas of your body that are stressed, in pain, numb, or stuck

  2. Aum — Do this either audibly or inaudibly as a way to focus your mind

  1. Practice the Art of Listening and Nada Yoga:

    1. Continue to notice what frequencies you embody.

    2. How are they serving you?

    3. With awareness, invite the frequencies to transform, transfer, awaken, or transmute.

    4. Energy follows energy!

  2. Listen to the Sounds and Symbols of the world around you — what is the world revealing to you?

  3. Practice 4, 7, 8 Breathing

    1. Inhale through your nose for 4 counts.

    2. Hold your breath for 7 counts.

    3. Exhale through your mouth for 8 counts.

      • As you learn this technique and learn to breathe more slowly, you may initially experience a little bit of lightheadedness or shortness of breath. Keep practicing!

Affirmations & Mantras

I rest

I love

I belong

I am kind

I am joyful

I trust life

I am the infinite light of being

I honor the sacred dark within me and the radiant light

What resonates with you? Create your affirmations and intentions for the winter season.

“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
