Throat | Vishuddha Chakra

Element: Ether

Meaning: Purification, Filter

Color: Blue

Crystals and metals:

  • Lapis Lazuli

  • Kyanite

  • Turquoise 

  • Blue Sapphire

  • Aqua Aura Gold

  • Ocean Gold

Musical Note: G and G# for the Thyroid

7 Wonders of Sound #5
Through Sound and Mantras, we can open our voices to co-transform and collaborate with universal life energy!

Please enjoy the replay of our Vishuddha Chakra Session above and the
Throat Chakra Sound Journey below.

Throat | Vishhuddha Chakra Explorations

Try a few minutes of intentional
toning and connecting to the power of your throat chakra daily.

These explorations are purely optional and are here to support your journey if you choose. Feel into the wisdom of the wind and into the lightness of your being!

  1. Gently massage and/or place your hands on your neck and throat. Allow yourself to feel the presence of your own touch here. Remember your hands and arms are extensions of your heart.

  2. Journal Prompts: 

    1. My Voice is …

    2. I love my voice for …

    3. My throat chakra’s highest wisdom is …

    4. I listen deeply to …

  3. Practice the Four Gates of Speach:

    1. Is it true?

      2. Is it kind?

      3. Is it necessary?

      4. Is now the right time?

  4. Chant Silently or Out Loud:

    ‘May all beings be happy and free,
    and may the thoughts,
    words and actions
    of my own life
    in some way to that
    happiness and freedom
    for all.’

Practice the 7 Bija Mantras to Vibrationally Align our Chakras

  1. 1. Root Chakra –  LAM I am part of the living universe. I am connected to all of life. I am Rooted. 

    2. Sacral Chakra – VAM I have the power to create. I am able to bring something new into this life. 

    3. Solar Plexus Chakra – RAM  I am in control of my own power. I make my own decisions.

    4. Heart Chakra – YAM I activate the noble heart within, I feel compassion for all living beings.

    5. Throat Chakra – HAM  I express my deepest thoughts and feelings with clarity.

    6. Third Eye Chakra – AUM  I am in tune with an infinite source of guidance.

    7. Crown Chakra – Aum (or sometimes perceived as silence) | I am that I am, that I am I am.

  1. Tone, Hum, Sound, Buzz — Sounding is your birthright!

  2. Continue Sounding by doing at least 3 rounds of Aum a day, if it feels good do more!

    1. Ahhhh, Ohhhhh, Mmmmm —

    2. Silence — feel the vibrations ripple through the waters of your being.

  3. Wear Blue!

  4. Sing! Tone! Hum! BUZZ! Sound!! let yourself express yourself through sound and vibration!

  5. Enjoy the specially curated Throat Chakra playlist —

  6. Sing Your Truth! xo


Throat Chakra Affirmations

Take a moment and tune into the highest wisdom of your throat chakra. Listen here. What does your voice want you to remember?

  • I love my voice!

  • My voice is essential to the whole. 

  • My words create and transform the world.

  • I express myself clearly and honestly.

  • I speak with calm, clarity, and confidence.

  • I speak with courage, compassion, and love.

  • I add value to every conversation I participate in.

  • My insight is welcome, needed, and valuable.

  • I am empowered to speak my truth.

  • I listen.

  • I listen to the highest wisdom of my soul.

  • I embrace silence and know deep inner peace.

  • I am a good listener and give others my undivided attention when they speak.

    • Repeat often Silently to Yourself or Out Loud to the World!