9" D-35 Moldavite, Smokey Quartz - claimed

9" D-35 Moldavite, Smokey Quartz - claimed


Moldavite: Star Bridge
Moldavite is here to assist us in our spiritual healing journey, at this time of extraordinary earth changes and challenges. Moldavite is known as the star bridge as it came from a meteorite of enormous size that crashed into the Bohemian Plateau of the Czechoslovakian mountain region about 15 million years ago. Its impact is said to have had more power than an atomic explosion.

This amazing stone was created by the heat of its incredible impact. Moldavite is a high vibration crystal that is very beneficial to help open the portal to multidimensional realms, receive guidance, and reset our cosmic compass.

Smokey Quartz: Earth Energy
Smokey Quartz is an amazing grounding stone. It aids concentration, emotional calmness, and our primal connection to the Earth, helping us establish deep roots in the physical plane. Smokey Quartz assists us in compassionate, honest, transparent communication. Smoky anchors us in the natural world and helps us awaken to our full potential embodied in truth. is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smokey Quartz disperses fear, and lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positivity and action, and alleviates suicidal thoughts. Dispels nightmares and helps one manifest their dreams.

287.2 Hz

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