The Golden Light Bridge Triad - claimed

The Golden Light Bridge Triad - claimed


The Golden Light Bridge Triad is exquisitely balanced to bring grounding earth energy, calm, loving-kindness while opening psychic channels and bridging higher dimensions of consciousness.

Green Heart Ocean Gold —Loving Kindness

Made of gold, fired in a special process to create the green color. It is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love and embodying radiant health. It allows us to be more kind and open and compassionate to others in the process of living in this human body. Green Heart Ocean Gold carries the power of the ocean in an ongoing, healing stream, in an ebb and flow of golden-green energy.

Smokey Quartz — Earth Energy

Smoky Quartz is an amazing grounding stone. It aids concentration, emotional calmness, and our primal connection to the Earth, helping us establish deep roots in the physical plane. Smoky Quartz assists us in compassionate, honest, transparent communication. Smoky anchors us in the natural world and helps us awaken to our full potential embodied in truth. is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralises negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positivity and action, and alleviates suicidal thoughts. Dispels nightmares and helps one manifest their dreams.

Kyanite & White Light Angel Gold, double alchemy

White Light Angel Gold - Akashic Connection. This alchemy helps in downloading Akashic information from the blueprint of your matrix. It bridges higher dimensional consciousness, especially for Star People, to the present. It soothes the separation of consciousness and eases anxiety. White Light Gold supports in developing and heightening spiritual awakening in physical reality. It also enhances psychic and channeling abilities. When infused with another alchemy, White Light Gold is able to upgrade and transform other elements into a higher Cosmic State of existence.

Kyanite is an extremely powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies. It builds energetic bridges of light and information between incongruent aspects of experience. This alchemy builds an energetic light bridge for a more harmonious connection and communication, opening psychic channels and activating mind centers. The Kyanite resonance accentuates mental capacities and improves one’s ability to “download” information for higher sources by linking the physical, astral and causal bodies.

Pricing for the bowls varies based on their alchemies.

8” Smoky Quartz $834

7” Kyanite White Light Angel Gold - double alchemy $1599

6” Green Heart Ocean Gold $899

Triad: $3332

Purchase the Triad together and receive a free ballistic carrying case, a $159 value.

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