9" B-40 Tesseract Salt, Palladium -- claimed

9" B-40 Tesseract Salt, Palladium -- claimed


Tesseract Salt: Strong Foundation, Bridging the 4th Dimension
The Sacred sounds of the Tesseract Salt Crystal Singing Bowls carry the energies of Tesseract salt of all Earth’s ancient oceans. As we are spiritual beings of water, salt, crystalline, and DNA bodies, the sacred geometry of a 4-dimensional tesseract cube within a cube replenishes itself and assists our ascension pathway into the higher spiritual dimensional energies. Sacred square form for manifestation, grounding the fourth dimension, building a strong structural foundation to connect and ground us to manifest the divine on this planet. Direct grounded connection to Mother Divine. Good for: forgiveness, inner peace, and stress relief

Palladium: Inner Child
Palladium was discovered in 1803 and was named after both the Roman Goddess - Pallas Athena and the newly discovered Pallas asteroid. Palladium is a light silvery white metal that holds the energy of guardianship at the highest frequency. Not a protector, not a teacher but a constant companion and friend. It empowers the inhabiting of higher consciousness while remaining in the fullness of grounding. Palladium is an excellent travel companion, supporting your consistent presence within your heightened consciousness. Palladium encourages the individual to include external activities into their field energy and take on new courageous actions.

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