8” B-25 Phenacite, Lemon Aura Gold Tall -- claimed

8” B-25 Phenacite, Lemon Aura Gold Tall -- claimed


Phenacite: Portals of Light
Start your energetic engine and get ready for inter-dimensional travel with the sound of Phenacite. This high-frequency alchemy resonates with the hexagonal sacred geometry of the Merkaba, and resonates with advanced beings who are ready to embrace their magnificence, activate their light body, and sail into the multi-universe. The Phenacite bowl spins a galactic vortex of dynamic energy for evolution, and becomes a birthing portal for quantum leaps in consciousness, clearing all obstacles to move one forward and up to the next level with lightning speed.

Lemon Aura Gold: Joy
Lemon Aura Gold centers your energy through joy and presence. Activate your passion and enthusiasm for life, and share your new zest for being with all around you. Enter a state of Being in your own Power: energetically centered and connected to your core. Gold’s high frequency brings in activation of your personal power, with a gentle, loving presence.


Part of the Spirited Love Light Alchemy Triad. Receive a complimentary carrying case when you purchase all three.

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