8" C#+35 Lemurian Seed, Violet Aura Gold - claimed

8" C#+35 Lemurian Seed, Violet Aura Gold - claimed
Lemurian Seed: Timeless Wisdom & Connectivity
This bowl taps us into the world of Lemuria, where all information is stored from the beginning of time. This is a very powerful tool in accessing other dimensional information and wisdom. Lemurian seed opens one to receiving divine downloads. Considered one of the "Master Crystals,” Lemurian Quartz Crystals teach oneness, reminding us that while we are all individuals, we are also connected to each other, and that we are all equal in Spirit. Lemurian Quartz Crystals help us maintain our connection to Spirit, aiding spiritual evolution, and have been used successfully in dream work. Lemurian Quartz crystals are a wonderful tool to use when clearing and activating the Chakras. An amazing healing crystal, Lemurian Quartz will assist in removing all types of energy blockages.
Violet Aura Gold: All is One
The Violet Aura Gold alchemy holds a miraculous spiritual energy and opens the possibility to access the high frequency of the violet light. Violet aura gold activates the core passion into action through guidance from higher consciousness. Supports in bringing forth deeper understanding of resonance with Soul Purpose into clarity.