Cosmic Creation Quintet - claimed

Cosmic Creation Quintet - claimed


12” A#+25 Phenacite, Platinum $4,799 - 118Hz
10” F#+45 Carnelian, Platinum $2,634 - 189.6Hz
9” A#+30 Tanzanite $2,999 - 237.3Hz
8” D#+35 Violet Ocean Gold, Grandfather (inside) $1,699 - 317Hz
6” G#+25 Anchi $1,199 - 420Hz

This set includes a free Carrying Case that all of the bowls will nest together in.

Phenacite: Portals of Light
Start your energetic engine and get ready for inter-dimensional travel with the sound of Phenacite. This high-frequency alchemy resonates with the hexagonal sacred geometry of the Merkaba, and resonates with advanced beings who are ready to embrace their magnificence, activate their light body, and sail into the multi-universe. Phenacite spins a galactic vortex of dynamic energy for evolution, and becomes a birthing portal for quantum leaps in consciousness, clearing all obstacles to move one forward and up to the next level with lightning speed.

Platinum: Divine Feminine
Pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in our yin energy Platinum Bowl that stimulates the Divine Feminine, relieves stress and depression and aligns the intuitive emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. it has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

Carnelian: Courage, Confidence, Passion
For those intending to build confidence, courage, and passion within themselves, the Carnelian alchemy works to activate the first, second and third chakras, bringing an influx of life force, sexual and creative energies and assertive will. Confidence, divine sexuality and movement into higher chakras to create passion in one's relationships and life work are the results of Carnelian frequency work. As one expands their awareness, a merging of the sexual with the spiritual without judgment of concepts or beliefs is allowed to occur, opening the flow of one's core sexual energy and moving it into the Christ energy frequency. Serving our inner beloved first and then serving others with an open willingness, free from ego makes Carnelian a potent tool to help clear competitive energy and empower both of the beloveds, thereby enhancing awareness of the Divine connection. This clearing of negative patterns in relationships offers access to the higher available frequencies, cultivating an awareness of the truth that vulnerability is actually power.

Tanzanite: Compassion
The sweet loving tones of Tanzanite sing the epic harmony of truth while celebrating the dance of authentic self. Tanzanite calms and soothes the mind, synchronizes heart with brain, allowing clear speech and expression of truth.

Violet Ocean Gold Grandfather: Wisdom and Clarity

This bowl is a master teacher, giving one a violet ring of protection and access to deeper realms of understanding. It helps to transmute negative energies and see through the illusions of things, especially things that do not serve our higher good.

Yang frequencies of gold and water elementals create love, balance, self-realization and attunement with nature's healing forces. The communicative, happy frequencies of our cetacean friends are the essence of the Ocean Gold Bowl - a remarkable sonic tool for mastering the art of flow.

Iron infused Ceremonial thunder and Earth energies are the essence of the Grandfather bowl - connect and ground with the Earth’s elemental kingdom and ancestral wisdom for grace and inner knowing.

Anchi: Ancient Chi
At least 1.6 billion years old, Anchi crystals are the Ancient Ones in the mineral kingdom. Supportive in maintaining a desired energy level throughout the day, Anchi is a unifying source for a naturally harmonized energetic field. As wholeness is maintained, a natural connection to Higher Self is achieved. Placed near the heart and third eye, Anchi synchronized atomic and quantum systems including the chakras creating a powerful manifestation field.

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