Divine Mother of Compassion Triad - partially claimed!

Divine Mother of Compassion Triad - partially claimed!


9” A#-10 Rose Quartz Platinum $1934 — 231.7 Hz
8” C#-30 Divine Mother $3,999 — 273.1 Hz — Claimed
8” F#-45 Tanzanite $2,634 — 359.6 Hz

This set includes a free Carrying Case that all of the bowls will nest together in.

A heart-to-heart bowl for emotional healing and calming. The Rose Quartz Bowl encourages inner harmony, and softly opens the heart center to energize our love core. Known as the "stone of gentle love," natural rose quartz is fused with pure quartz crystal in this award-winning "most transformational product of the year" bowl that encourages inner harmony. Softly opens the heart center, relieves tension, heals etheric fields, assists in relationships and aligns the chakras while energizing our innate love core. Shades are from the palest pink to a rose coral. The soothing, healing qualities of Rose Quartz are well known; its natural affinity for love makes it a wonderful tool for the Heart Chakra. The vibrational energies of Rose Quartz flow through our auric fields and help to erase emotional traumas, release blockages and return us to a natural state of childlike wonder.

This combination alchemy is about divine, feminine love. It allows one to step into the gentle, tender understanding and divine feminine wisdom. This bowl is the true expression of love in all its forms

DIVINE MOTHER: A facilitator of enlightenment and ascension of human consciousness into awakened Divine Love in action, the Divine Mother guides us to claim our divinity now and translate that divine perfection through the temporary physical.

Composed of diamond, ruby, white gold, kyanite, silver, and platinum, the Divine Mother is a truly unique and gorgeous alchemy like no other.

Diamond: The transcendent high frequency of diamond stimulates and opens all of the chakras with intensive light on the crown and etheric chakras, serving as a reminder of one’s spiritual destiny.

Ruby: An outstanding quartz crystal tool of loving protection with a powerful vibration of mystical ruby, a “stone of nobility”, radiating spiritual wisdom, health, transformation and wealth. The Ruby Bowl sounds a lavish red spectrum that “lights” interior planes of Self. Ruby crystal carries an enduring, perfectly brilliant diamond frequency that we crave in relationships, enhancing soul-love connection, Tantric practice and unifying root and crown chakra energies.

White Gold: Pure Etherion Gold frequencies dance through our White Gold bowl with surreal fairy-like energies of imagination, creativity and Inner Child overtones of joy and transformation. The master healer energies of Gold work powerfully with the Solar Plexus, enhancing self-esteem. artistic expression and prosperity. A chiffon-like blend of yellow and white gold unites with quantum-leap quartz crystal for a softer, subtler yet higher frequency that enhances self-confidence.

Silver: Mirrors sophisticated elegance for the Aquarian Age and calls forth the sonic muse. With the look and feel of sterling silver, its yin healing qualities are powerful connectors to Source, creating and amplifying sacred space. Our blessed Balinese silver bowl cleanses with a pure colloidal effect as it balances and clears emotional/physical bodies, empowers intuition and rings with a "hallowed grounding" effect (much like Hematite). Silver is the cording energy for astral and physical bodies and the perfect complement for gemstones/minerals.

Platinum: Pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in our yin energy Platinum Bowl that stimulates the Divine Feminine, relieves stress and depression and aligns the intuitive emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

Kyanite: An extremely powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energies. It builds energetic bridges of light and information between incongruent aspects of experience. This alchemy builds an energetic light bridge for a more harmonious connection and communication, opening psychic channels and activating mind centers. The Kyanite resonance accentuates mental capacities and improves one’s ability to “download” information for higher sources by linking the physical, astral and causal bodies.

TANZANITE: Compassion
The sweet loving tones of Tanzanite sing the epic harmony of truth while celebrating the dance of authentic self. Tanzanite calms and soothes the mind, synchronizes heart with brain, allowing clear speech and expression of truth.

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